lauantai 8. syyskuuta 2018

Jos Gösta Sundgvistiä kääntäisi englanniksi, se olisi...mitä?

Julkaistu marraskuussa 2014

...Country-Easteriniä? Anywais, tässä teille ilman kielitaitoa väännetty englanninnos kappaleesta Pimeä tie, mukavaa matkaa:

Dark road, nice trip

We didn't get that mortgage, we were dum and way over due, down payment was too high, our housing savings somehow vanished in to the air.

Keep your eyes closed tight when we hit the road, when we lit ours stubs. Children sleeping in the backseat of Lada, road ahead so dim under black heavy sky holding icy rain, I''ll speed up till the final curve.

You will stay, we will go, we couldn't take it any more. You must forgive and you must forget, you will never get back our debt.

Was it really necessary, to gave that order on Christmas eve? Landlord on the doorway laughing at, when distraint officers were carrying our presents away.

Keep your eyes closed tight when we hit the road...

We fucked up everything,  if there was right way after all. Something blew down our walls, made us reckon ourselves how our life is now totally lost.

Keep your eyes closed tight when we hit the road...

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